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  • 成立时间2009 年
  • 所属行业影视/媒体/艺术
  • 企业性质合资(欧美)
  • 注册资金100 万元
  • 员工人数少于50人
  • 所在地址北京 - 北京
  • 浏览次数4783 次
  • 更新时间2022-5-5
  • 派拉蒙国际文化发展(北京)有限公司的公司简介
    • 派拉蒙国际文化发展(北京)有限公司

      派拉蒙文化(Palm Culture)于1998年在德国成立,以推广和扩大西方文化艺术的影响力为宗旨,不断促进德国及欧洲文化与世界其他国家文化的交流。数十载以来,成功参与举办了多场次大型国际文化艺术节,国际文化展演及音乐、艺术盛典等大型活动。公司与德国及欧洲其他国家众多文化艺术机构及主流媒体保持着良好的合作关系,始终为西方文化的国际化和多元化发展贡献着力量。



      Palm International Culture Development Ltd.

      Founded in 1998, Palm International Culture Development Ltd. is a agency specialize in the spreading and promoting of western art and culture. Aiming to provide a platform for the artists of all around the world to communicate and learn from each other, Palm Culture has been successfully involved in the holding of many bit events of culture communicating during the past decade. Palm Culture remains good cooperation relations with many culture and art agency and mass media of Europe and playing its unique role in the particular filed.

      Recent year, as China has developed rapidly in politics, economy, culture and art, many of its achievements has drawn great attention all around the world especially in the western countries. In the view of encouraging and promoting the communication of culture and art between people of China and Germany and the whole Europe and the world, therefore creating more opportunities for the western world to know more about Chinese Culture and art, Palm International Culture Development (Beijing) Ltd. established in Beijing, China. The company aims to find and develope the essence of Chinese and European culture and art through introducing the fine culture and art of western to China meanwhile providing artists and art groups of China international stages to show themselves in Europe.

      There's a efficient, unity and fine group creating the glorious history of the company since its foundation. Now, efficient, unity and fine has been our primary principle. In the past , at present, or in the coming future, we strongly believe that culture and art have no border, and only if we try to find a way to have all culture and art forms meet each other, there' s must be something surprising be created.

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